#2023, #jainnehawrites


Some time back, I was not feeling well physically or emotionally. There was a time when I acknowledged that I was not the person I used to be. I was not confident or happy with the way things were going in my life. I was not strong emotionally anymore. One day, I decided to get rid of all these negative emotions and said to myself that today I don’t want to be like this anymore. From that very moment, I told myself that today is the day and this time is the time when I am taking my first step toward a positive life filled with self-love.

I took a diary and wrote,

“Everything is great. Everything is working in my best interest. Only good will come to me. I am feeling good about myself.”

I did a lot of activities too, some were good, and some failed miserably, but one thing which came out of it is that I am a better person now. I feel better. I am positive. I want to take you on my journey through these posts this month and hope this will help you in some way or the other. I will also start again with you and experience this whole process day by day…

So let’s start 26 days of self-love with me for a joyous present and a better future.

Day 1: Make Affirmations…

Affirmations are words that you believe or say and believe to be true. Simply put, an affirmation is anything you say or think. Since my childhood, my mom used to say, “Choose your words carefully, Lord Saraswati always fulfills one thing you wish or say in a day, so say good things only.” You know what? It might sound stupid to some, but it makes sense now. You have to retain positive patterns in your thinking or while speaking if you want to heal your life.

An affirmation is the first step on the path to a peaceful life. A beginning point on a path to change. All your self-talk, internal dialogue, and thoughts, are a stream of affirmations. You are making affirmations every time, even if you are not aware of it. You are creating your life and its experiences with your words and every thought. You better be careful and try to avoid the ones you are creating that you don’t want to experience in your life. Whenever you are upset, you are inviting more reasons to be upset. Whenever you are angry, you are actually inviting more anger into your life. Whenever you are complaining, you are affirming more reasons you can complain about. You need to change this. You need a positive change to heal your life, and that change has to start now, from this very moment. Now is the time. Take a deep breath and just say…

  • Hi, this is me
  • I am taking control of my thoughts
  • I want this amazing experience, and I’m releasing all the negative thoughts and beliefs back to where it came from

Whatever we hear about ourselves, about our life, we accept those ideas and think of ourselves like that. If we hear something negative, we believe that it’s true about us. But it is not true. Nature has not given anyone the right to set parameters for someone else. Life wants you to have confidence, inner joy, peace of mind, self-love, and self-care. You deserve this life. From today, you can start this journey of change with me to a better life, to a positive self, to a life that we deserve. You already have the best tool with you to get started, and that is your positive thoughts.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” – Bill Keanegine.

Let’s cherish this gift given by god…

Tips to Make Affirmations:

  • Starting from this very moment, choose to change your thinking for the better.
  • Remove all negative thoughts, bitterness, blame, and guilt. Just release them and focus on what makes you happy.
  • Think about what you want to be. The best version of yourself that you can imagine.
  • Write them down with words like “I am,” “I can,” “I allow,” or “I radiate,” all in the present tense.
  • Change your negative thoughts into positive ones. For example, “I am tired of being sick” can be changed to “I am perfectly healthy now.”
  • Maintain a healthy and positive atmosphere so that positive thoughts can come to you.
  • Don’t worry about all the thoughts coming to you. Just remember that whenever something negative comes to you, change it to a positive one.
  • Say it out loud in front of the mirror or just say it out loud.
  • Do this today and see what follows tomorrow.

See you tomorrow on day 2 of our self love journey!

PS. This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023

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